(605) 510 8388

Our Services: Hospice Care

In many cases, terminally ill or geriatric patients can have a good quality of life if certain measures are taken, such as environmental changes or adding certain medications. In these cases, there is the option of animal hospice care. The goal of hospice is to minimize discomfort and maximize peace for the pet and his or her human caregivers during the animal’s last phase of life. Additionally, if pet owners would like a little more time to consider euthanasia or when natural death is preferred, hospices care is an alternative. Hospice-supported natural death is possible in many cases. 

It’s important to understand that hospice care is to provide comfort and to avoid suffering in the final phase of an animal’s life, it does not provide a cure. Furthermore, seeking guidance from your primary veterinarian on the progression of symptoms will help you better understand the end stages of the disease process that your pet is experiencing.


Hospice Care
Pricing varies based on your pet’s needs. It may include medications, environmental adjustments, and ongoing support to ensure comfort during this time.
Is Hospice Care right for us?
20% OFF
For an at-home consultation.

At the end of this consultation we will decide if  hospice or euthanasia will be pursued. The price for euthanasia and cremation is NOT included here. 
* If the location is greater than 15 miles away (utilizing the hospital Monument Health in Rapid City as the starting point) there will be an additional charge of $1/mile.

** Since this year is our first year as a business, everything will be 20% off throughout 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is at-home hospice care for pets?
At-home hospice care focuses on keeping your pet comfortable and pain-free at the end of life. It prioritizes comfort and quality of life instead of treating the illness.
How do I know if my pet is a good fit for hospice care?
Hospice care is ideal for pets with terminal illnesses or in their senior years when a cure isn’t possible. We can help you decide if hospice care would benefit your pet.
What can I expect daily with at-home hospice care?
Daily care includes managing pain, giving medications, and making small changes at home to help your pet feel comfortable. We’ll guide you on caring for your pet’s needs each day.
How long does hospice care last?
It varies based on your pet’s health, from days to weeks or even months. We can help set expectations based on your pet’s condition.
Is euthanasia still an option with hospice care?
Yes, at-home hospice care gives you time to consider euthanasia or allows a peaceful natural passing if your pet is comfortable.
Will hospice care make my pet live longer?
Hospice care isn’t about extending life; it’s about making your pet’s last days as comfortable and peaceful as possible.
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Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Rapid City, SD
© Assisi Veterinary Hospice and Euthanasia PLLC.  2024